The Ultimate Sales Letter Review: Get It For FREE + Marketing Plan

The Ultimate Sales Letter

Magnetic Marketing has an irresistible offer for you that’s hard to ignore, especially if you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner trying to navigate the tricky waters of selling in today’s economy. They’re giving away free copies of Dan Kennedy’s renowned books, “The Ultimate Sales Letter” and “The Ultimate Marketing Plan.” All you need to do is cover a small $9.95 shipping and handling fee. These books are touted as the ultimate guides to mastering the art of sales and marketing through compelling copywriting, and here’s why you should grab them while you can.

The Ultimate Sales Letter: Your Key to Effortless Selling

Regarded as “The Marketing Bible” by thousands of entrepreneurs, “The Ultimate Sales Letter” promises to teach you how to craft compelling sales letters that can sell any product or service. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a poor writer—Dan Kennedy’s straightforward, foolproof framework will guide you through the process of writing copy that converts. Get The Ultimate Sales Letter for FREE

Why Do Marketers Love ‘The Ultimate Sales Letter’?

Dan Kennedy’s methods have transformed businesses, as highlighted by several testimonials:

  • Harry Williams, an attorney from Illinois, reports no longer needing to market his practice thanks to the influx of clients generated by his sales letters.
  • Rory Fatt, a restaurateur from Vancouver, invested over $200,000 in Kennedy’s ads and sales letters, calling the book a “bargain of the century.”
  • John Cummings from Michigan secured $50,000 in new business with just 2,500 letters using Kennedy’s approach.
  • Bridget Campbell, a marketing director from Idaho, would pay any price for the insights she gained from Kennedy.

More Than Just a Book

By claiming your free copy today, you’ll also receive “The Ultimate Marketing Plan” for free. This book is filled with practical advice and strategies that can transform even the greenest entrepreneur into a seasoned direct response marketer.

Why Timing is Crucial

Russell Brunson, the co-founder of ClickFunnels, stresses the importance of effective messaging in today’s competitive market. He observes that many business owners struggle because their marketing messages fail to resonate with their audience. This is where Kennedy’s books come into play, offering timeless principles of direct response marketing that can lead to significant business growth, even during economic downturns.

The Power of Messaging

Effective messaging is crucial. Brunson highlights examples like:

  • Disney’s Snow White: Released during the Great Depression, it succeeded because the message was emotionally engaging and high-quality.
  • Domino’s Pizza: Transformed from America’s worst pizza to the number one chain by embracing and addressing negative feedback in their marketing.

What’s Inside ‘The Ultimate Sales Letter’?

Here’s a sneak peek at the valuable insights you’ll gain:

  • Step-by-step copywriting framework: Learn the six critical steps every marketer should follow.
  • Direct response marketing principles: Timeless tactics that work across various marketing mediums.
  • Real estate success: How one sales letter boosted a client’s real estate business by 900%.
  • Customer profiling: Understand your customers on a deeper level with key profiling questions.
  • Mistake reversal: Avoid the biggest mistake most business owners make in their messaging.
  • Proven examples: Real, tested copywriting examples you can model for higher conversions.

Practical Strategies for Immediate Impact

The book offers fill-in-the-blank headlines, the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) framework, and strategies for creating urgency to drive immediate action. It even debunks myths about needing perfect grammar or creativity, proving that anyone can write high-converting copy with the right approach.

Guarantee and Limited Availability

Magnetic Marketing is confident in the value of these books, offering a no-questions-asked refund if you’re not satisfied. However, they only have a limited number of copies available for free, so it’s essential to act quickly.

How to Claim Your Free Books

To get your free copies:

  1. Click the “Yes, Rush My Free Books!” button.
  2. Enter your information and cover the $9.95 shipping and handling fee.
  3. Receive and start reading your books to transform your business.


Are these books relevant for my business?

Yes, the principles apply across various industries and business types.

Are the books really free?

Yes, just cover the $9.95 shipping fee.

What if the books don’t help me?

There’s a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied.

When will I receive my books?

They will be shipped promptly after you place your order.

Can I find these books online?

Physical copies are more valuable for note-taking and long-term reference.

Final Thoughts

If you’re struggling to make sales or feel stuck in your business, Dan Kennedy’s “The Ultimate Sales Letter” and “The Ultimate Marketing Plan” could be the keys to unlocking your potential. These books offer real, practical advice based on Kennedy’s 40+ years of experience in direct response marketing. Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer to get them for free—just cover the shipping cost and start transforming your business today. Get The Ultimate Sales Letter for FREE

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